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productronica 2019

productronica 2019
productronica 2019

More than 1,200 companies from all areas of electronics manufacturing have presented impressive range of services with all facets. Source: Messe München/ Thomas Koy

Current 3D AOI Arena Videos 2017 Deutsch

The international trade show that covers all areas of electronics manufacturing, productronica, took place this year on November 12-15, in Munich, Germany.

Exhibitors and visitors from all over the world came together to see new technologies, solutions, and developments firsthand. Panel discussions, lectures, roundtables, and more gave visitors further information on trends and future innovations.

3D AOI Roundtable

EPP and EPP Europe in cooperation with 10 well-known manufacturers of inspection solutions presented a special highlight to the visitors this year, the 3D AOI Arena. On November 14, 2019, a roundtable took place with 3D AOI experts of the industry to discuss trends and solutions.

Moderated by: Markus Strehlitz


  • John Bashe, National Sales Manager, PARMI USA, Inc.
  • Carsten Salewski, CEO, Viscom
  • Jaroslav Neuhauser, Deputy General Manager, SAKI
  • Harald Eppinger, Managing Director, Koh Young Europe

Further Information

InPrint 2019 took place from the 12th to the 15th of November, in Hall A6.

Semicon Europa 2019 once again took place simultaneously, in Halls B1- B2.

In collaboration with Elektor, Fast forward is a platform for start-ups and industry experts to explore developing projects and ideas, for the future of the industry.

General information on productronica 2019, including facts and figures.

Here's how to get to Messe München and the where to stay in the area.

Articles about productronica

Electronic manufacturing value chain in one place

Innovative premieres at productronica 2019

The biggest tradeshow for electronics production and development that is organized by Messe München, productronica, wrapped up the year 2019 for all...

Discussion with inspection experts

3D AOI Roundtable at productronica 2019

Automated optical inspection is a widely used process that ensures high quality control and tracing of printed circuit boards. As components are becoming...

Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 5

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