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Thermaltronics launched solder robots at productronica

Automating hand soldering
Thermaltronics launched solder robots at productronica

Thermaltronics USA, Inc. exhibited at this year’s productronica. In addition to the TMT-R9800S advanced solder robot system, the company launched two additions to its product range.

A single-head soldering robot, the TMT-R8000S solder robot system is designed for simplified soldering applications. The TMT-9900S inline soldering robot system has been designed for those companies wishing to incorporate the system into an SMT production line where precision soldering is key.

Both systems include vision/mapping and dynamic laser height control, and incorporate the same IP software used on the company’s successful benchtop system.

Thermaltronics believes these three systems will provide companies with the best options when seeking to automate their hand soldering processes. A spokesperson for the company stated that using precision components and industry-leading software maximize yield rates.

In addition to automated soldering systems, the company exhibited a new dual port operating TMT-2200S soldering system with USB port for future data collection. This soldering system also features a high-power capability that enables companies to handle the most challenging solder operations.

Thermaltronics also provides an extended range of accessories to support both production and rework applications. Customers can run trials free of charge on their hand soldering products.


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