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Vapour batch type reflow system

Vapour batch type reflow system

A single vapour batch type reflow system, the RDL, from R&D Technical Services, is designed to provide consistent, uniform and reliable heat transfer for high-quality reflow, curing and drying specifically for low-volume laboratory environments as well as very small products. The oven features top and bottom ceramic preheaters to allow the operator to create the ideal thermal curve for their specific process. Depending on the fluid, the reflow system has an operating temperature of 175 °C to 300 °C and uses a single, environmentally safe fluid to generate precise temperature in the reflow chamber. Other important features include an onboard cooling system for operation without the use of external water and a programmable timed cool down function to help cool the product after reflow.

Additionally, the oven has a footprint of 864 mm long, 553 mm wide and 457 mm high, and can accommodate pallet sizes of 229 mm long x 152 mm wide, with a product clearance height of 38 mm. An onboard control system monitors and controls all critical parameters, while a control panel provides easy, semi-automatic access to all operational functions and operating programs. Combined these features provide an efficient, safe and user-friendly system. The single vapour batch type reflow system provides the laboratory environment with access to the highest quality reflow.
EPP Europe 430
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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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