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3D AOI Arena productronica 2019

3D AOI Arena productronica 2019
3D AOI Arena productronica 2019

Measure the top AOI machines available in the market, all in one arena.

3D AOI Arena Partners Tours productronica Deutsch

Compare. Evaluate. Decide.

The 3D AOI Arena took place at this year's productronica tradeshow.

In collaboration with 10 well-known manufacturers of inspection solutions and Messe München, the trade magazines EPP and EPP Europe organized a platform that gave visitors the opportunity to compare 3D AOI inspection systems, all in one place. An overview of 10 solutions was presented to effectively inform visitors about the respective features of the test systems.

Purpose of the 3D AOI Arena

In times of miniaturization, complexity and increasing demands for quality and flexibility, electronics and component manufacturers should pay special attention to the choice of suitable systems. Because competitive products can only be manufactured with machines and devices that are precisely suited to the application and process.

The 3D AOI Arena was the perfect occasion for choosing a 3D AOI inspection system to fit specific needs. Time saving, all in one booth, the comparison of 10 inspection systems including informative expert discussions was possible. Guided tours, including detailed introductions of each system in both German and English, provided a complete overview, in order to compare, evaluate and decide.

3D AOI market overview

Taking a closer look at various 3D AOI solutions, this market overview gives an overall insight about each inspection solution, including details about the machine and its software. This includes 3D AOI Arena partners, as well as other AOI manufacturers.

3D AOI Market Research


3D AOI Arena articles

Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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