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Viscom creates customer care teams to ensure intensive support

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Viscom creates customer care teams to ensure intensive support

Viscom creates customer care teams to ensure intensive support
Viscom has reorganized its customer service for European customers and established new customer care teams. Source: Viscom AG

Viscom has reorganized its interfaces to the company‘s European customers as of July 2020. With the reorganization, the market and technology leader for inspection solutions intends to enhance its customer focus and improve service accessibility even further. The establishment of customer care teams for each product area will ensure the achievement of these objectives. The newly created teams support and assist Viscom‘s customers in their selection of the right inspection solutions as well as in the purchase, commissioning, training and maintenance of these. This will reduce processing times and enable the comprehensive, precisely tailored implementation of customer-specific requirements.

These new customer care teams are composed of specialists from the areas of AOI, AXI, MXI, wire bond inspection, SPI, CCI and various applications such as battery inspection, 5G, e-mobility and consumer electronics. They are responsible for technical sales, project management, applications, maintenance and repair as well as the hotline, and provide competent, targeted support to customers throughout the entire product life cycle. The newly created customer care teams are replacing the previous divisions such as SP and NP with a streamlined, service-oriented and sustainably successful organization.

The central sales organization also includes direct sales, key account management and regional collaboration with the European sales representatives, who will remain the primary contacts for the customers. In providing professional customer support, the customer care teams will also access the expertise of our specialists in the central service and product development departments.

„This realignment took place as a second step following the earlier successful reorganization of our product and software development division, which is working at full speed on various innovations to ensure that Viscom continues to inspire with its advanced inspection solutions delivering the highest level of quality. By charting this course, we can ensure powerful and professional collaboration at all levels,“ said Carsten Salewski, Head of Sales, Marketing and International Business.

Company contact
Viscom Inc.
Carl-Buderus-Straße 9 – 15
30455 Hannover Germany
Tel.: +49 511 94996–0
E-Mail: info@viscom.de
Website: www.viscom.com

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