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SMTconnect trade fair discontinued

German electronics manufacturing expo cancelled after 35 years
SMTconnect to be discontinued from 2025

SMTconnect to be discontinued from 2025
Source: Mesago Messe Frankfurt

Trade fair organizers Mesago Messe Frankfurt have decided to discontinue the SMTconnect trade fair which has taken place annually since 1987. Organizers say they have been unable to keep up with the changing needs of today’s industry.

“We look back with pride at the last 35 years of the event’s history,” said President of Mesago Petra Haarburger. “SMTconnect has been instrumental in bringing together experts in the field of microelectronics and driving its progress. Nevertheless, as organizers of technology trade fairs, we have to admit that we have not been able to meet the changing needs of the trade community in recent years. We remain closely connected to the industry, and the PCIM Expo & Conference in the field of power electronics offers at least part of the community an alternative platform for exchange. Finally, we would like to thank our exhibitors, visitors and partners for their loyalty over the years.“

A long history

SMTconnect, a German trade fair for all areas of electronics manufacturing, opened its doors for the first time in 1987. Over the decades, the event brought together decision-makers and industry experts from the sector, promoted the targeted exchange of knowledge, and supported the development of innovative technology across the entire spectrum of electronics manufacturing.

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