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SMTconnect & EPP to host forum on power electronics manufacturing

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SMTconnect & EPP to host forum on power electronics manufacturing

SMTconnect & EPP to host forum on power electronics manufacturing
Areas under discussion will include improving power density, increasing efficiency, and extending the service life of electronic components Source: Mesago Messe Frankfurt GmbH / Mathias Kutt

With its focus on Surface Mount & Microelectronics Manufacturing Technologies, the SMTconnect will once again offer visitors in-depth insights into topics and trends relating to the electronics manufacturing industry this year.

The latest forum programme

At this year‘s SMTconnect forum, visitors can look forward to presentations by experts from the industry on the following topics:

  • Power electronics manufacturing
  • AI in electronics production / Industry 4.0

In cooperation with the editors of EPP magazine, the forum will boast a series of keynote speeches and presentations on current trends and future challenges in the field of power electronics manufacturing. Areas under discussion will include improving power density, increasing efficiency, and extending the service life of electronic components. Insights into these topics will be provided by Nils Thielen, Director of the Electronics Production Research Sector at the FAPS Institute, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, with a keynote speech on “Trends from a research perspective” and Dr. Markus Meier, Group Leader Reliability & Surfaces at Zestron, with a presentation on “HAST quality testing of epoxy mold compounds based on iodine vapor testing and impedance spectroscopy”.

Further presentations will be held by Dr. Sandra Engle from the Productronic department, and Volker Pape, member of the VDMA Executive Board. The latter will present “VDMA Productronic network activities for mechanical engineering in the semiconductor value chain”. Olesja Kopp, Product and Innovation Manager at Viscom, will present on “The next level of effective inspection processes”.

The Future Packaging production line

The Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration (IZM) is once again hosting the Future Packaging production line at the SMTconnect this year. In particular, the line will examine how a higher degree of digitalization and automation can make production processes more robust against disruptions and external influences. Participating companies include F&K Delvotec Bondtechnik GmbH, IBL-Löttechnik GmbH and Siemens AG. Visitors can take part in live guided tours every day at 10 a.m., 1 p.m. or 3 p.m. and gain valuable insights and specialist know-how.

Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 5

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