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Seica Unveils Campus Expansion

International sales and technology centre opened
Seica inaugurates new campus in Strambino, Italy

Seica inaugurates new campus in Strambino, Italy
Barbara Duvall, General Manager of Seica. speaks at the opening Source: Seica

Seica, a leader in automatic test equipment and selective soldering systems for the electronic boards and modules, has officially unveiled a new Campus, an expansion of 2.200m2 with two new buildings, which brings the Company to a total area of more than 8000 m2. This project stems from the acquisition and renovation of two industrial facilities located in the industrial area of Strambino. The new campus area will be used for commercial activities and technical services intended for customers. In addition to offices, the campus hosts a large showroom, a customer area and the laboratory dedicated to application services development.

In addition to the company headquarters in Strambino, the Seica Group has 6 international offices (France, Germany, Israel, China, United States and Mexico), 3 partner companies in Italy – Proxima located in Piacenza, Seica Automation, located in Carate Brianza and Canavisia with offices in Romano Canavese. In 2023, the company had over 300 employees worldwide, 200 of which are located in Strambino.

“Innovation, originality and consistent investments in research have always been fundamental for Seica, and the new Campus represents exactly this business philosophy that has led us to grow in numbers, but also to pave new growth paths, by striving to become more than just a supplier to our customers, with whom we often become strategic and global partners,” said Barbara Duvall, General Manager of Seica. “We follow our customers from their product design phase, through to test engineering and installation of the solution in their manufacturing plant. This new area will allow us to do this even more effectively”,

“We have been growing for years, not only in terms of turnover and number of employees, but also in the solutions and technologies we are able to offer to our customers,” President Antonio Grassino said. “One of the latest examples is in the Electric Vehicle sector, developing new solutions and implementing projects in partnership with a number of global leaders of the industry.”

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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 5

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