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Nordson European division moves to new facility

Operations consolidated in the Netherlands
Nordson European division moves to new facility

Nordson European division moves to new facility
The new facility in Valkenswaard, The Netherlands, features new demonstration lab with the latest equipment for fluid dispensing, conformal coating, plasma treatment, and selective soldering Source: Nordson Electronics Solutions

Nordson Electronics Solutions, a leader in electronics manufacturing technologies, has announced that its Nordson B.V. division, which covers Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, consolidated its offices into one site in Valkenswaard, The Netherlands, in early July. To meet rising European customer demand for our complete range of solutions, our multiple sites in Deurne and Maastricht, The Netherlands, and Hagenbach, Germany were integrated into a central, updated facility.

The facility features a demonstration lab with the latest equipment from the three product lines, ASYMTEK, MARCH, and SELECT. These machines deliver conformal coating, fluid dispensing, plasma treatment, and selective soldering used during semiconductor packaging, printed circuit board assembly, and other processes in electronics manufacturing. This type of equipment is important to customers backed by the European Chips Act (ECA) to boost resilience in the region.

The modern building includes many of the latest advancements in environmental efficiency. With solar panels, energy-conserving underfloor heating, and other contemporary upgrades, the new location better aligns to the Nordson Corporation’s commitment to sustainability. The selection of a site in the Eindhoven area, near the older Deurne location, minimizes disruption to customers, partners, and suppliers. The telephone number and V.A.T. numbers remain the same.

The new address is:

De Vest 1A

5555XL Valkenswaard

The Netherlands

Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 5

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