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Koh Young opens new production centre in South Korea

Newly-constructed facility increases production capacity by over 150 percent
Koh Young opens new production centre in South Korea

Koh Young opens new production centre in South Korea
The newly constructed facility is nearly twice the size of the previous factory and allows Koh Young to produce more than 6,000 machines per year Source: Koh Young

Koh Young Technology, an industry leader in the 3D measurement-based inspection solutions, has announced the opening of its new Yeoju production centre in South Korea. “Last year marked our 20-year anniversary. During the past two decades, we have solidified our position as the manufacturing standard for SPI (solder paste inspection) and AOI (automated optical inspection) equipment across the electronics manufacturing industry,” said JD Shin, Chief Sales Officer at Koh Young. “With so many companies relying on us for their inspection needs, we needed to increase our production capacity to maintain customer satisfaction.”

Moving the production site has allowed for an expansive production space, which the company says increases production capacity by over 150 percent. The newly constructed facility is nearly twice the size of the previous factory and allows the company to produce more than 6,000 machines per year before making any further process improvements. “With the growing customer demand for our products, this new capacity will ensure efficient manufacturing and faster order fulfillment. Aside from our industrial inspection division, which delivers products for electronics assembly, the new facility has dedicated space for our growing medical robotics division,” the company said.


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