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IPC calls for roadmap to address advanced packaging challenges

IPC White Paper: Advanced packaging to board level integration
IPC calls for roadmap to address advanced packaging challenges

IPC calls for roadmap to address advanced packaging challenges
A PCB on show during the Apex Expo 2024 Source: IPC

The increasing complexity of integrated systems demands a holistic approach to design, materials, assembly, reliability, and metrology across all levels of integration, from chip to package to board. Global industry association IPC’s Technology Solutions group has addressed these challenges and suggested a comprehensive roadmap in its new white paper: Advanced Packaging to Board Level Integration—Needs and Challenges.

The white paper emphasizes the importance of a “silicon to systems” approach in developing next-generation chiplet-based advanced packages and their integration into complex systems. The paper also recommends the development of a 5–10 year outlook on trends, challenges, and gaps in advanced electronic packaging and PCB/subsystem integration across various application domains. This roadmap will enable the electronics industry supply chain to better prepare for and address the complex challenges in system-level packaging and integration.

“IPC is committed to identifying the gaps and challenges in design, materials, assembly, test, and reliability as applied to advanced packaging integration with printed circuit boards, assemblies, and subsystems,” said Devan Iyer, chief strategist advanced packaging and white paper co-author. “Along with our industry partners, IPC will continue to be the leading advocate of a ‘silicon-to-systems’ approach as the evolution of advanced packaging directly affects the future of all aspects of electronics manufacturing,” emphasized Matt Kelly, IPC chief technology officer and white paper co-author.

Contents of the white paper

The white paper explores the packaging and integration needs for several key application areas:

  • High Performance Computing (HPC)
  • 5G/6G Wireless Communications
  • Autonomous Driving and Electric Vehicles (EV)
  • Medical Electronics
  • Aerospace & Defense Electronics

The paper then analyzes the following aspects of advanced packaging to board-level integration:

  • Design challenges and co-design approaches
  • Power delivery requirements
  • Thermal management challenges
  • Materials innovation needs for package assembly and PCB integration
  • Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA) challenges
  • Reliability considerations for heterogeneously integrated systems
  • Metrology requirements for the characterization of advanced packaging to board level assembly
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 5

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