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Indium offers new semiconductor products for HIA and SiP applications

Materials for heterogeneous integration and assembly (HIA), fine-pitch system-in-package (SiP)
Indium offers new semiconductor products for HIA and SiP applications

Indium offers new semiconductor products for HIA and SiP applications
Source: Indium Corporation

Indium Corporation has designed materials solutions for semiconductor packaging and assembly to meet the evolving challenges of heterogeneous integration and assembly (HIA) and fine-pitch system-in-package (SiP) applications, including an ultrafine-pitch solder paste and a jetting solder paste.

Reformulated ultrafine-pitch solder paste

Its SiPaste series is specifically designed for fine feature printing with fine powders ranging from Type 5 to Type 8. They help Avoid the Void, reduce slumping, and demonstrate consistent superior printing performance. The company‘s SiPaste C312HF is a new formulation offering the same printing performance and material stability over time, with the benefit of having an easily cleanable chemistry with semi-aqueous or saponifier technology.

Solder paste for small dot jetting

Its newest jetting solder paste, PicoShot NC-6M, is a no-clean, halogen-free material specifically formulated to be compatible with Mycronic jetting systems. Chemically compatible with 12.8HF solder paste, it is optimized for small dot jetting and long-term jetting with Type 6 solder paste and offers the smallest dot jetting volume among similar jetting pastes, at 1.6nL/dot. In addition, its oxidation barrier promotes complete powder coalescence during reflow to eliminate graping and similar reflow issues.

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