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Altus & Danutek enter strategic partnership with actnano

Capital equipment supplier to work with coatings technology provider in Europe
Altus & Danutek enter strategic partnership with actnano

Altus Group and its sister company Danutek, suppliers of capital equipment to the electronics manufacturing sector, have partnered with actnano, a global leader in surface protection technologies. This collaboration aims to bring the latter‘s Advanced NanoGUARD (ANG) coatings and other functional materials including permanent anti-fog, lubricants, and sealants to a broader audience across Europe.

The coatings technology specialist, provides fluorine-free, thin-film coatings that offer protection against water damage and harsh environmental conditions. The solutions, which require no masking or curing ovens, significantly reduce the capital expenditure, floor space, and energy consumption associated with traditional coating methods. The technology is particularly noteworthy due to its ability to simplify the application process by eliminating the need for masking and curing ovens. This innovation helps avoid common issues such as cracking and bubbling, which are prevalent with traditional methods. Furthermore, by reducing the need for extensive machine investment and floor space, and decreasing energy consumption over the product lifecycle, actnano provides a cost-effective and efficient solution for electronics manufacturers.

Their high protection standards offer up to IPx8 protection levels, applicable to full PCBA including connectors, antennas, LEDs, and high-heat generating components, while ensuring environmental safety with fluorine-free coatings.

“Actnano exemplifies the ideal partner for Altus and Danutek in our regions,” said Joe Booth, CEO of Altus Group. “Their approach, deep market understanding, and clear value proposition are truly impressive. Their unique product addresses critical pain points with a quantifiable ROI, making it highly attractive to customers. actnano‘s proven track record of securing business with major global brands and their strong references speak volumes. Initially, the concept of no masking and no curing ovens seemed almost too good to be true. However, their Munich lab, designed to support customers through technical validation, quickly demonstrated that this technology is just as ground-breaking in practice as it is in theory. actnano‘s innovation is not just exciting; it‘s revolutionising the industry.“

This partnership accelerates our ongoing efforts across Europe with OEMs and manufacturers, and extends our reach and local support, especially in the UK and Eastern Europe, key areas for nearshoring and reshoring,“said Nic Johansen, actnano Director of Sales. ”Together, we‘re dedicated to driving the industry forward with innovative solutions, expert guidance, and a primary focus on customer success. The best is yet to come.”


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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 5

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