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3D CT AXI solution for advanced packaging

Inspection system for high-reliability electronics manufacturing
3D CT AXI solution for advanced packaging

Automatic test and inspection solutions provider Test Research, Inc. (TRI) has launched the a 3D CT AXI solution for advanced packaging applications. The company says the TR7600F3D SII Plus marks a paradigm shift in precision and reliability for high-reliability electronics manufacturing, such as the advanced packaging industry. The system integrates a next-generation 110kv X-ray source, 3 – 25 μm High Multi-Resolution, AI-powered inspection algorithms, elevating defect detection to unparalleled levels of precision. It promises meticulous inspection across various components, including BGA, QFN, SiP, PTH, PoP, Wire, and Die Bond, setting a new industry standard for comprehensive analysis. The system has been designed for the inspection of high-reliability electronics manufacturing industries such as advanced packaging, automotive, aerospace, and medical and can precisely inspect IC packaging interconnect, such as Micro Bumps.

The system features EtherCAT for enhanced connectivity and Smart Board Warpage Control, ensuring precise board alignment. It is also able to integrate with Smart Factory production lines and the MES of your choice, ensuring compatibility and future-proofing your production processes.

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