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XJTAG boundary scan delivers great ease-of-use

Software release
XJTAG boundary scan delivers great ease-of-use

XJTAG boundary scan delivers great ease-of-use
The enhancements that come with XJTAG 3.10 brings speed and simplicity to boundary scan testing. Source: XJTAG

XJTAG, a provider of JTAG boundary scan test solutions, announces the release of two new features that further enhance the ease-of-use of boundary scan tools. XJTAG 3.10 introduces an automated method for dealing with the situation when design updates occur on the board being tested, and a simple way to override the default settings of global variables used by XJEase Device Files.

The Board Revisions feature uses an intelligent device-matching algorithm to analyse the new netlist and identify devices that have had reference designators changed. It copies their categorisation information to the new project and automatically updates all references to them. If devices have been removed from the circuit, these are highlighted to the user. The matches and suggestions are presented in a user-friendly format that shows the reasons for the suggestions while guiding the user through the updating process. The schematic viewer, layout viewer, and netlist explorer are all utilised to provide the most user-friendly way to present the information the user needs when validating these proposed updates.

A second enhancement to XJTAG 3.10 provides a simple-to-use dialog box that allows users to override the default values of the global variables used in XJEase device files. This allows global variables to be set easily and quickly for one specific device using a method that doesn’t require coding and therefore avoids the risks associated with editing device files directly. Each device can have its own set of global variables instead of them needing to be common to all ICs that use the same device file. As an example, users can set up testing so that debug data for just one specific IC is outputted, even when the board being tested uses more than one component.

This latest release of the company’s boundary scan test tools demonstrates their continued emphasis on bringing the best ease-of-use to the electronics test market.

Company contact

CamTech House
137 Cambridge Road Ind. Est.
Milton Cambridge CB24 6AZ United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 1223 223007
E-Mail: press@xjtag.com
Website: www.xjtag.com

Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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