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Speeding up the cure of coatings

Speeding up the cure of coatings

Speeding up the cure of coatings
The UVC-5 conveyor system from Dymax with integrated lamp unit is ideal for the fast cure of light curing conformal coatings and adhesives. A compact design and minimal setup space requirement was realized by incorporating the power supply into the device itself. Different lamp types cater to various application needs: The Mercury light source (short wave UV light) is ideal for the cure of thin coatings, the iron model (long wave light) is ideal for deep curing. Additionally, a half capacity operating mode is possible with the mercury model which supports the reduction of the operating temperature and the operating costs. The intensity of 700 mW/cm² (UVA range) provides a fast and complete cure for potting and conformal coating applications. The emitted lamp spectrum matches the requirements of light curing adhesives. Therefore, the UVC-5 is also ideal for curing UV resins. Larger electronic parts also fit into the conveyor, since the conveyor belt is 120 mm wide. The design of the device shields the operator from UV radiation. Belt speed is continuously adjustable between 0.1 and 11 m/min. The lamp unit can be positioned between 2 to 6 cm above the belt. These features help to control the accuracy and consistency of the required dose and secure a high-quality electronics manufacturing process.

Nepcon UK, E90
EPP Europe 452
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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