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Small Part Automated Programming at an Affordable Price

Small Part Automated Programming at an Affordable Price

Small Part Automated Programming at an Affordable Price
Automating the device programming cycle has always been the preference in electronics manufacturing, but until now, the cost of this equipment was difficult to economically justify. With the introduction of the Helix programming system device, programming customers can get the quality of automated device handling at a lower price point than traditionally available.

As a desktop automated system, the Helix standard comes with two precision-designed tube input and output handling systems. Integrated in the handler are two BP Micro Enhanced 7th Generation programming sites with FX4 socket module capability. FX4 socket module technology allows programming up to four devices simultaneously per site. The Helix system is designed to handle a wide range of packages including but not limited to MSOP, SOIC, PLCC, SSOP and TSSOP. The operational sequence of the machine picks the part from tube input, transfers the part to the programming socket, programs the part, and returns the part to tube output.
The precision tooling head requires no vision system for handling fine-pitched parts, therefore allowing a throughput of 800 devices per hour. One computer and software interface controls both BPW in software and handler control operations for a fully integrated programming and handling solution.
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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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