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Shape memory tooling

Shape memory tooling

VacuNest from Novatec provides a solution to the problem of securely fixturing bottom side populated assemblies for printing, dispensing and placement. The shape memory tooling eliminates the many drawbacks of dedicated tools and flexible pin alternatives while providing secure support that removes the risk of component damage due to point force pressures. Each VacuNest module is a pliable anti-static chamber containing a foam former surrounded by polymer granules. The chamber can be quickly profiled to the shape of the underside of a populated board, and under vacuum that profile can be retained indefinitely. The modules are available in a range of sizes to accommodate boards up to 450 mm x 450 mm and printing, dispensing and placement machinery from any manufacturer

Productronica, Stand A4.303
EPP Europe 446
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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