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Self-Cleaning Reflow Oven for Enhanced Quality Control

Self-Cleaning Reflow Oven for Enhanced Quality Control

The compact X-100 reflow oven with phase convection technology offers optimum flexibility combined with low cost of ownership. The X-100 has been developed to answer manufacturers’ needs for enhanced quality control, enabling individual thermal profiling on a board-by-board basis and ultimate thermal performance within the confines of lead-free soldering.

The X-100 provides enhanced temperature uniformity and lower nitrogen usage and power consumption. Operating within a total unit length of 3,350 mm and utilising SPC control with pyrometers, the phase convection technology system combines the technological advantages of vapor-phase systems but without disadvantages such as liquids and high cost of ownership. The X-100 also features a self-cleaning capability and is environmentally friendly. Another reflow oven, the X-600, features a hermetically sealed loading system by which boards are loaded into one of the three levels. Each phase unit has a re-circulating convection system in which the temperature is regulated by a pyrometer that measures the exact temperature of the board, not the surrounding air. These precision measurements can be monitored by an on-system SPC data collection tool for 100 % traceability and closed loop control.
The range of thermal equipment, using patented conveyor and convection technologies, includes ovens for applications such as reflow soldering, curing, wafer bumping or flip chip as well as advanced laser systems for next generation rework, and the repair of assembled PCBs.
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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