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Repeatable core cycle time of just four seconds

Repeatable core cycle time of just four seconds

DEK’s RTC (Rapid Transit Conveyor) technology is currently presenting manufacturers with an industry first: a repeatable core cycle time of just four seconds. The high speed handling solution is equipped to deliver a significant reduction in screen printing cycle time, regardless of other process variables, in order to simplify overall cycle time calculation.

By presenting manufacturers with unparalleled printer board/hour delivery, the company is able to guarantee line and process optimization to lower dead-time, increase productivity and enhance cost-effectiveness.
The Conveyor is designed to overcome the physical limitations governing board transport, using a servo motor to increase the speed at which boards are moved into and out of the machine. Replacing the traditional belt-type board transport medium with a stepper motor controlled positive retention mechanism, the conveyor is not dependent on friction to retain the board. The result enables manufacturers to simply and cost-effectively accelerate board transport to a high steady-state speed. In addition, by utilising the advanced motor control of DEK’s ISCAN Intelligent Scalable Control Area network infrastructure, RTC can be rapidly integrated with new machines to further extend throughput advantage.
EPP Europe 416
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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