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Reflow System Raises the Standards of Thermal Performance

Reflow System Raises the Standards of Thermal Performance

Reflow System Raises the Standards of Thermal Performance
The reflow system Pyramax 98 compliments the existing Pyramax product line incorporating the 150 and latest generation 125 models. Developed to criteria set by the world’s largest EMS producers, the Pyramax range raises the standards of thermal performance even further. With a maximum operating temperature of 350 ºC, the Pyramax is ideal for higher temperatures required for lead-free reflow. The Pyramax 98, with optional air or nitrogen capability, features a 98 inch heated length and seven controlled zones.

The new Pyramax 125 is the latest addition to the Pyramax product family and features a 10- zone air or nitrogen capability in a reduced footprint which sits conveniently between the 98 and 150. Delivering high-volume capacity, the Pyramax 125 offers flexible platform configuration, low nitrogen and power consumption and a comprehensive menu of options.
The Pyramax range features BTU’s closed loop convection control which provides precise control of heating or cooling and a constant heat transfer. It delivers flexible process control, assures process repeatability and reduces nitrogen consumption to provide manufacturers with the lowest cost of ownership in the industry. The Pyramax systems also contain a patented flux management system which traps flux residue from the process chamber and prevents it from settling within the oven, leading to increased uptime.
The range includes user-friendly Windows-based Wincon oven control software, a wide range of options for flux management, advanced conveyor solutions and smart tracking SMEMA, as well as a comprehensive warranty backed by world-class product and technical support.
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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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