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Putting flux where it’s needed

Putting flux where it’s needed

Putting flux where it’s needed
Cobar Solder Products’ Cobrush flux applicator puts flux where it’s needed – in just the right amount – and is ideal for applying liquid no-clean fluxes to any site that needs to be soldered. The precise handy tool for applying liquid flux to tiny chip components and individual solder joints is disposable, and compatible with many different types of fluxes. Its fine bristle tip allows the user to apply flux to very small areas in densely populated assemblies. Reportedly, this inexpensive applicator cuts down on waste and prevents over-fluxing, this reducing possible cleaning time and preventing contamination.

Its transparent cartridge allows the user to see the amount of remaining material in the reservoir; its small, compact size and large capacity make it ideal for most rework and post-assembly applications. Flux is dispensed by lightly squeezing the barrel, then using the gentle applicator bristles to apply the flux, just like an artist’s brush; the user controls the amount of flux flow. A snug-fitting cap prevents flux evaporation in the barrel, thus extending the life and purity of the flux. Constructed of rugged polypropylene, the flux applicator features an ergonomic design for ease of use, and is compact enough to fit into the top pocket of a lab coat, and can easily be labeled.
EPP Europe 417
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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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