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Lead-free bar solder alloy

Lead-free bar solder alloy

Lead-free bar solder alloy
Kester has presented Ultrapure K100LD lead-free bar solder alloy, a patent-pending alternative to traditional lead-free alloys. The bar solder offers the lowest copper dissolution of any lead-free bar on the market, even amongst all common alloys, including Sn63, SAC305 and other lead-free options.

It represents an improvement over competitive alloys, including other variations of Tin-Copper-Nickel (SnCuNi). This silver-free lead-free alloy primarily contains tin and copper with the inclusion of metallic dopants to control the grain structure and the Copper dissolution rate. It has a slower rate of Copper dissolution than competitive SnCuNi alloys, which minimizes pot maintenance, maintains consistent soldering performance and improves reliability. Its copper dissolution rate is 20 percent slower than the competitive SnCuNi alloy and even Sn63Pb37.
Besides offering the lowest dissolution of copper from boards and components of any lead-free alloy, the product offers numerous benefits, including anti-drossing technology, bright, smooth solder joints with no visible shrinkage effects, excellent through-hole penetration and topside fillet with virtually no bridging, and reduced leaching of solder pot materials. Additionally it is compatible with all types of board and component metallizations, is compatible with other SnCuNi alloys, and its lead level is specified at less than 0.05 percent, ensuring RoHS compliance.
EPP Europe 431
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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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