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Launch of a new advanced laser system

Launch of a new advanced laser system

Launch of a new advanced laser system
LPKF has announced its ProtoLaser 200, a versatile state-of-the-art laser system, combining advanced laser technology, optics and table mechanisms, resulting in superior quality, speed and accuracy.

This rapid PCB prototyping solution is designed for the precision geometries demanded by RF, microwave, RFID, antennas, filters, etc. Laser structuring applies to nearly any substrate, such as FR4, flexible materials, ceramics, PTFE, and AL2O3 (alumina).
The ProtoLaser 200 combines precision laser beam deflection with a fast X/Y table to increase process speed and produce the most accurate results. This is especially useful for on-demand processes and customized small series.
Alignment for two-sided prototypes increases tremendously with the fiducial recognition camera. This camera allows the laser system to visually inspect and properly align the workpiece.
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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