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In-Line Multi-Head Dispenser Based on a High Accurate Displacement Auger Valve

In-Line Multi-Head Dispenser Based on a High Accurate Displacement Auger Valve

In-Line Multi-Head Dispenser Based on a High Accurate Displacement Auger Valve
This unit can be equipped with up to 6 dispense heads, and with an overall dispense capacity of 40,000 d/h. The ability to apply up to 6 individual dispense heads to a single dispenser offers the user a multitude of advantages. One example is the ability to mount dispense needles with different diameters to achieve a variety of dot sizes. The system chooses the right needle automatically from the information in the component library.

This high degree of adaptation allows the seamless production of PCBs with program variations. For example, one single machine can dispense several different materials, each using its own program sequence. Materials as solder paste, adhesives, epoxy or underfill can be applied.
Programming is simplified; the new dispense system uses the program patterns from the Mimot placement system to create an automatic dispense program. The combination Mimot’s dispense unit and its highly flexible pick and place system gives the user a powerful tool for the assembly of double-sided PCBs.
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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