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In-line manufacture of smart die-labels

In-line manufacture of smart die-labels

The Muehlbauer tag-module assembly system (TMA) is an in-line solution for the manufacture of RFID smart labels. The so-called strap-attach process used in this system is especially fulfilling increased demands on RFID technology in the printing, converting and packaging industries. That equipment has to be scalable and to be integrated into existing lines. Semiconductor companies now start to offer their RFID chips pre-assembled on straps to simplify smart-label manufacturing. The manufacturers of the straps have to take into account the high-accuracy requirements in the flip-chip die-attach process. The attachment process requires no specific knowledge in the field of bare-die handling and processing of wafers. The company claims to be the only supplier worldwide of complete turnkey solutions for the assembly and test of labels by using strap attach and direct-chip attach technologies. Upcoming related smart-label technologies such as the handling of ultra-thin silicon dies (under 50µm), handling of ultra-small dies or chip-on-paper have already been deployed in pilot projects and are ready to go into volume manufacture soon.

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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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