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Fully automatic defluxing system

Fully automatic defluxing system

The Trident Series from Aqueous Technologies represents the next generation of lead-free compatible, fully automatic post-reflow defluxing systems. The automatic defluxing system is reportedly the fastest batch-format defluxing system available. Its specific throughput rate is determined by board size. The system is capable of defluxing and cleanliness testing up to 200 4 x 6” (101 x 152 mm) boards and up to 28 18 x 20” (457 x 508 mm) boards per hour. It offers several defluxing configurations designed to provide complete compatibility with all defluxing requirements. The defluxing process consists of up to five cycles including prewash, wash, rinse, cleanliness testing and drying. Prewash, if selected, may consist of a steam soak, high-pressure DI water spray, or chemical spray and soak. The wash cycle uses environmentally responsible defluxing solutions, neutralizing and solublizing flux and other residues. The rinse cycle is controlled by the built-in cleanliness tester in which rinse cycles are added or subtracted from the process automatically, based on the user’s selected cleanliness requirements. The dry cycle uses a combination of radiant and convection heat for rapid, thorough drying. Trident is equipped with an automatic chemical management system that automatically measures and doses concentrated defluxing chemicals into the wash-solution recirculation system. The wash solution is captured and reused, eliminating routine chemical discharge. Level gauges indicate the available levels of wash solution and concentrated chemical. The system is equipped with a inverse-mounted vertically oriented spray pump that virtually eliminates pump-caused drag-out, lowering the volume of defluxing chemistry consumption and associated costs. Built-in statistical process control (SPC) data capturing technology allows users to view historical SPC data, including actual cleanliness results, both at the machine and remotely from other network-connected PCs. Stainless steel plumbing and EPDM pump seals provide full compatibility with a variety of environmentally responsible, operator-safe defluxing chemicals.

Productronica, Stand A4.434
EPP Europe 455
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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