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Flux technology for SN100C lead-free solder

Flux technology for SN100C lead-free solder

Flux technology for SN100C lead-free solder
The SN100C flux system from Cobar Solder Products has been designed to deliver excellent results with the SN100C Lead-free alloy. It is available in low VOC, VOC-free, and alcohol-based formulations, in solder paste form and also as paste and liquid fluxes, appropriate for wave, reflow, selective, and hand (cored wire) soldering. SN100C is a lead-free alloy that is finding increased popularity among users because it exhibits superior long-term joint reliability and durability over SAC-alloys. It has also shown superior characteristics to SAC-alloys other popular lead-free solders in terms of reduced Cu erosion of assemblies, better fluidity and drainage in wave and selective soldering, and better wettability. However, like virtually all lead-free solders, it melts at a higher temperature than lead-based solders and is therefore more difficult to wet, pushing the performance limits of currently available lead-free fluxes.

The SN100C flux has a proprietary synthetic base that gives it stability under the higher temperatures required by lead-free alloys. The flux works well in air or under a nitrogen blanket. It is compatible with many different finishes including OSP, Ni/Au, Ag and Sn.
EPP Europe 428
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