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Flexo Crimper Reduces Total Investment and Change-Over Times

Flexo Crimper Reduces Total Investment and Change-Over Times

Flexo Crimper Reduces Total Investment and Change-Over Times
The Flexo Crimper is a transversal applicator (left side feed) for crimping wires from 0.03 mm2 up to 6 mm2 (32 up to 10 AWG), respectively up to 10 mm2 (8 AWG) depending on the contact material. A unique cassette system allows processing of different terminal types on the same applicator by simply exchanging two cassettes that “contain” all terminal-specific parts such as crimp dies and anvil. Exchanging cassettes is done in a matter of seconds and without any tools.

Using the Flexo Crimper opens possibilities for pursuing a different production strategy: Similar terminal types can be processed without even removing the Flexo Crimper from the crimping press, and the quick-change cassettes are prepared offline while the applicator is still in production for another terminal. Once the production run for one terminal is completed, the cassettes are exchanged within seconds and the next terminal can be processed. The implications of this production strategy are worth mentioning. Not only does the productivity increase by reducing downtime of the crimping press, the total investment in applicators is reduced, too.
Although a single Flexo Crimper may be more expensive than other applicators on the market, the total investment needed to process several terminals paints a different picture: one Flexo Crimper including a number of quick-change cassettes will require a lower total investment than several individual applicators.
The benefits of using a Flexo Crimper do not stop with reducing total investment and increasing productivity. Flexo Crimper offers probably the best crimp quality on the market. The feeding and guiding mechanisms are extremely smooth to eliminate forces from the applicator that crimp force monitoring might otherwise show – allowing for lower tolerances to be set.
Flexo Crimper can be used in standard, automatic and semi-automatic crimping presses with 36 up to 40 mm stroke. Adjustments of insulation crimp height, wire crimp height, or bell-mouth can be done without any tools and with the applicator in the press. Although initially designed for high-speed & high quality crimping in fully automatic crimping machines, the Flexo Crimper is also an option worth considering for benchtop crimping machines.
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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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