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External PCI express standards

External PCI express standards

As computer components evolve to meet increased speeds and bandwidths, the electronics industry is creating new specifications to fully enable next-generation communications platforms. The PCIe Working Group chose Molex Incorporated to be the first interconnect company to develop the External PCI Express (PCIe) offering. This offering includes a full line of high-speed connectors and cable assemblies specifically designed to support the new, multi-purpose, hot-pluggable input/output (I/O) interface standard for the Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) Express.

“Technology devices are quickly outgrowing PCI and AGP performance standards and increased speed and bandwidth architectures continue to populate the technology markets”, said Jay Neer, the company’s Strategic Marketing Manager. “In response to these ever-changing needs, Molex has developed the External PCI Express offering, a full range of solutions that are the first to support the new serialized PCI Express speed and performance requirements, in order to meet our customers’ interconnection needs.”
This offering fits all popular mechanical architectures. The interconnection systems offer future scalability and flexibility by supporting Generation I PCIe data rates at 2.5 Gbps through Generation II bandwidths of 5.0 Gbps. The PCIe connectors, guide frames and cable assemblies are available in multiple configurations, including a high durability x1 configuration (18-circuit TDP connector), as well as x4, x8 (38 and 68-circuit iPass connector) and x16 (136-circuit iPass connector) configurations.
electronica, booth B4.336
EPP Europe 436
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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