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Conformal coating in spray cans

Conformal coating in spray cans

Conformal coating in spray cans
Filled in spray cans, the conformal coating Elpeguard SL 1307 FLZ-S from Lackwerke Peters is always to hand for service and repair work and for the fast coating of pilot and low-volume series‘. Due to the fluorescent additives the final control of the coating can be easily and reliably performed under black light. The conformal coating spray is a purely physically drying system, offering the user two decisive advantages: Firstly, coated assemblies can be encapsulated fast: Due to the special solvent composition drying is completed after just one to two hours at room temperature. Secondly, even after many years the cured ink film can be soldered-through or simply removed with the product-specific thinner – a benefit in case of the need for repairs. The spray meets all requirements of the IPC-CC-830B “Qualification and performance of electrical insulating compound for printed wiring assemblies”, one of the most important internationally recognised IPC guidelines for assembly fabrication. This was tested and confirmed by the independent test laboratory Trace Laboratories-East in the U.S. The spray is based on modified acrylate resins, colourless transparent, particularly yellowing resistant and does not contain any of the substances listed in the RoHS directive 2002/95/EC, the EU End-of-Life Vehicle directive 2000/53/EC and WEEE directive 2002/96/EC.

EPP Europe 433
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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 5

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