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Cleaning chemistry for flush mounted and finepitch components

Cleaning chemistry for flush mounted and finepitch components

Cleaning chemistry for flush mounted and finepitch components
Kyzen Corporation has displayed Aquanox A4520T Aqueous Chemistry for Flush Mounted and Fine-pitch Components at the SMT/Hybrid/Packaging 2006 exhibition and conference. It is designed to clean under low standoffs and in the tight spaces caused by smaller and more heavily populated devices. The 8th generation chemistry has proven effective on all lead-free, no-clean and eutectic materials available today, while providing the lowest cost of ownership technology in the industry. A4520T works at low temperatures and low concentrations while exceeding industry standards for people and environmental safety. Easy to use, the chemistry is effective without the use of sump side additives and provides brilliant joints. Additionally, it features a long bath life, and is RoHS compliant.

The cleaning chemistry can clean numerous soils including lead-free flux, tacky flux, reflowed paste, no-clean flux, RMA flux, OA paste, oils, fingerprints, light oxides and polymerized soils. It is multi-metal safe for use on yellow metals, aluminum, ferrous and composites in addition to most precious metals. As an additional benefit, the chemistry is a biodegradable aqueous solution that contains no CFCs or HAPs. It is non-flammable and non-corrosive. The chemistry is available commercially in one, five and 55 gallon containers.
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