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September 2024 Global Sentiment of the Electronics Manufacturing Supply Chain Report

Industry sentiment drops sharply in September – IPC

Industry sentiment in the electronics sector declined significantly in September due to rising cost concerns and weakening demand according to IPC’s...

Operations consolidated in the Netherlands

Nordson European division moves to new facility

Nordson Electronics Solutions, a leader in electronics manufacturing technologies, has announced that its Nordson B.V. division, which covers Europe, the...

Featured Articles


Interview with Mark Stansfield, Managing Director, Solderstar

Taking control of oxygen levels in reflow soldering

In the competitive world of electronics manufacturing, achieving high-quality solder joints is crucial. Solderstar, a global provider of soldering technology...

Interview with Detech Europe CEO, David Erskine, on its UPI

“The limit is only the imaginations of the users”

Headquartered in the United Kingdom, Detech Europe specialises in supplying new and refurbished SMT equipment. The hallmark of the company‘s offerings is its...

Interview with Guenter Lauber, ASMPT, on carbon neutrality

The road to sustainability

ASMPT, a global leader in hardware and software solutions for the semiconductor and electronics manufacturing industries, recently unveiled its strategy for...

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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 5

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