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UK epitaxy facility awarded £12m funding

Boost for semiconductor R&D in UK
UK epitaxy facility awarded £12m funding

UK epitaxy facility awarded £12m funding
A Molecular Beam Epitaxy System for Quantum Technologies - a key piece of equipment in the National Epitaxy Facility

Source: University of Sheffield

The UK’s National Epitaxy Facility, led by the University of Sheffield, has been awarded GBP 12 million (EUR 14.1 million) in funding by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) to boost semiconductor research and development in the UK over the next five years. 

The facility is a collaboration between the Universities of Sheffield, Cambridge and University College London (UCL), and has supported £122 million of research in 25 universities since 2017. The new funding, announced on 1 July 2022 means the facility can “continue to support world-class R&D in the UK for the next 5 to 10 years“.

According to the University of Sheffield, its role is to deliver bespoke semiconductor wafers to world-class semiconductor research projects in universities and industry across the UK and to provide access to the expertise and resources needed to progress from basic discovery to mass manufacture for major economic/societal impact for the UK.

“I am delighted that UKRI has continued to fund and support the National Epitaxy Facility at this critical time for the UK to increase its technological innovation in semiconductors,“ Professor Jon Heffernan, Director of the facility and Professor in Electrical Engineering at the University of Sheffield, said. „Semiconductors have been the backbone of modern technological society for more than 60 years and the semiconductor industry has had an estimated overall economic value of around $8tn. Practically every aspect of our modern world is dependent on semiconductor devices, from silicon microchips that control computers, mobile phones, aircraft and even washing machines, to the internet, electric vehicles and LED lighting that has revolutionised global energy efficiency.“The pace of innovation and the demand for more and more advanced technology means that semiconductors will continue to be one of the most important and critical technologies of the 21st century, including in emerging areas of great importance, such as quantum computing and artificial intelligence.

“Both the economic and strategic value of semiconductors is being recognised by all technologically-advanced countries. Here in the UK, semiconductor innovation is key to addressing areas of critical importance to our economy, such as net zero, electrification, telecommunications, healthcare, security and quantum technologies.

The National Epitaxy Facility we’re leading from Sheffield will support the UK’s research community in pioneering new types of semiconductor devices that will be the basis for future technologies.”


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