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Smart manufacturing for maximum ROI

ASMPT at IPC Apex Expo 2024
Smart manufacturing for maximum ROI

With its data-driven Intelligent Factory concept and a hardware and software portfolio around SMT production, ASMPT will be a major presence at the IPC Apex Expo 2024, the industry’s main event in California. At Booth 1436 at this year’s IPC Apex Expo, the manufacturer will present its holistic hardware and software innovations for electronics manufacturers that range from the machine and line level to the factory and enterprise levels. Of particular importance will be the Intelligent Factory concept with its holistic approach to integrative data analysis and usage that covers the entire factory and reaches across production locations. It optimizes processes, minimizes errors, improves material flows and deploys employees based on their qualifications in a highly effective manner – all while never losing sight of maximizing the return on investment.

Greater yields with existing equipment

“Thanks to interfaces such as IPC-2591 CFX, you can now combine data from our machines and third-party systems and use it for in-depth analyses and improvements,” explains Mark Ogden, Marketing Manager Americas at the company. “If you consistently implement the Intelligent Factory principle, you will quickly realize that you can get more out of your existing production equipment with this holistic, data-driven strategy: more productivity, more quality and greater yields. Interested visitors can find out from the experts at our booth what this looks like in practice.”

A complete production line

The company will present a complete SMT production line at the IPC Apex Expo 2024. It starts with a DEK TQ solder paste printer, whose output will be checked and automatically improved, if necessary, by a Process Lens SPI system. They will be followed by the highly flexible SIPLACE SX and the high-speed SIPLACE TX placement platforms. The machines will be complemented by a new, automated paste transfer system and equally new quick-change squeegees for solder paste printing, the high-precision TWIN pick-and-place head for the end-of-line placement of large, heavy components and special designs, as well as measuring devices for placement forces and electrical properties that can be easily added thanks to their standard feeder formats.

Software that adds value

In the software area, the manufacturer’s WORKS Software Suite plays an important role for all workflows on the SMT shop floor with applications such as WORKS Logistics for material flow optimization, WORKS Operations for effective personnel deployment across multiple lines, WORKS Monitoring for keeping track of important production parameters, and WORKS Optimization for quality optimization along the entire SMT line, which integrates SPI and AOI systems regardless of manufacturer. Other interesting components in the solution provider’s software portfolio include SMT Analytics for process analysis and optimization, Factory Equipment Center for production-wide asset and maintenance management, and the AI and NLP-based Virtual Assist, the personal assistant that engineers and technicians can access via their smartphones.

“A visit to our booth is always worthwhile,” says Ogden. “Here, visitors can experience live and in person how ASMPT hardware and software work together, how the Intelligent Factory combines standalone operations into an integrative whole, how SMT manufacturers can meet the ever-growing requirements of the global market, and how they can implement the Intelligent Factory step-by-step in their companies.”

Booth 1436

**Meta Description:**

Experience ASMPT‘s Intelligent Factory at IPC Apex Expo 2024, Booth 1436 for innovative SMT solutions and data-driven manufacturing optimization.

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