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Green Circuits unveils new stacked capacitors assembly process

Process engineering advancement
Green Circuits unveils new stacked capacitors assembly process

Green Circuits unveils new stacked capacitors assembly process
The stacked capacitors Source: Green Circuits

Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS) provider Green Circuits has implemented a new assembly technique for stacked capacitors. The company was presented with an automated test equipment (ATE) test board featuring more than 5,000 component placements on a circuit board with a thickness of 0.300“. The complexity of the assembly was significantly heightened by the requirement to double-stack 840 capacitors, a challenge the EMS provider had not previously encountered.

Initial considerations suggested hand soldering as a solution, albeit one that would demand in excess of 12 hours to complete a single board. The company‘s team of process engineers dedicated weeks to the exploration of various methodologies and tooling options in pursuit of an optimal outcome. This ended in the development of a robust and repeatable process for the double-stacking of capacitors, marking a significant milestone in process engineering within the industry.

This was accomplished on a board characterized by:

  • 70 Layers: Using cutting-edge “B2B” technology, which combines two fabrication layers (FABs) into one, adding to the complexity and technological sophistication of the project.
  • 0.300 mil Thickness (7.7 mm): Demonstrating its capacity to handle and assemble on unusually thick PCBs.
  • Populated Over 5,000 Locations: A testament to the company’s ability to manage highly complex assemblies.
  • Cap on Cap – 840 Locations: The double-stacked capacitors that posed the unique challenge successfully overcome by the team.
  • Flying Probe Testing: Ensuring the highest quality and functionality of the assembled boards.


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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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