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Championing human and robot collaboration in modern manufacturing

Silicon Valley EMS provider offers ‘perfect factory’ environment
Championing human and robot collaboration in modern manufacturing

Championing human and robot collaboration in modern manufacturing
“Absolute EMS is proud to redefine electronic manufacturing with our perfect factory environment, where robots and humans work seamlessly together to deliver exceptional results,” said Doug Dow, COO at Absolute EMS. Source: Absolute EMS

Absolute EMS, a provider of turnkey EMS contract manufacturing services based in Silicon Valley says it can offer customers a factory environment that seamlessly blends robotic automation with human expertise. In a rapidly evolving industrial landscape, the integration of robots alongside human workers has become the new norm. However, building a reliable robot requires more than just advanced technology – it demands precision, scalability and repeatability.

Located in the heart of Silicon Valley, the company which specializes in providing Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA) services says its perfect factory is designed to facilitate collaboration between robots and human workers, ensuring optimal efficiency, precision, and reliability in electronic manufacturing processes.

“Absolute EMS is proud to redefine electronic manufacturing with our perfect factory environment, where robots and humans work seamlessly together to deliver exceptional results,” said Doug Dow, COO at Absolute EMS. “Our dedication to precision, scalability, and repeatability allows us to meet the diverse needs of our customers while maintaining the highest standards of quality and reliability.”

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