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Infineon plans €5 billion wafer fab in Dresden

Investment in semiconductor manufacturing in Europe
Infineon plans €5 billion wafer fab in Dresden

Infineon plans €5 billion wafer fab in Dresden
Infineon says its plans to expand its 300-millimeter manufacturing capacity by setting up a new wafer fab in Dresden will accelerate the growth of analog/mixed-signal and power semiconductors Source: Infineon

German chip manufacturer Infineon has announced plans to invest 5 billion Euros for the construction of a new factory for 300-millimeter analog/mixed-signal and power semiconductors in Dresden, a city in the east of Germany. The plant, which would be the largest single investment in the company‘s history, is subject to adequate public funding. The company said the new factory could create up to 1,000 new highly qualified jobs and could begin production in autumn 2026. When operating at full capacity, the planned factory would have the potential to generate annual revenue equal to the level of the investment.

“By the planned investment in a new factory we are continuing the consistent execution of our strategy and are broadening the base for our accelerated profitable growth trajectory in a forward-looking way,” said Jochen Hanebeck, Chief Executive Officer of Infineon.

“We are pleased to have political support for an investment at the Dresden site (Germany) and we are counting on adequate funding through the European Chips Act. We concluded the challenging 2022 fiscal year very successfully, with an excellent fourth quarter. The 2023 fiscal year has also started well. In view of ongoing macroeconomic and geopolitical uncertainties, heightened vigilance is required in the coming quarters. We are prepared to act swiftly and flexibly if necessary.”


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