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Reworkable edge bond adhesive enhances board level

Reliability of low temperature solder assemblies
Reworkable edge bond adhesive enhances board level

Reworkable edge bond adhesive enhances board level
BGA’s with and without reworkable edgebond adhesive. Source: Zymet

At the IPC’s Apex Expo, Zymet will be featuring a reworkable edgebond adhesive that has recently been shown to be capable of significantly enhancing the board level reliability (BLR) of low temperature solder (LTS) assemblie. Low temperature solders are the subject of growing interest for their ability to reduce energy consumption, reduce warpage and increase assembly yields, and as a path to more complex assemblies. Though the BLR of LTS assemblies can be quite good, there are still packages that do not perform well enough on their own, particularly in high reliability or harsh environment applications.

Using an underfill to overcome deficient BLR performance is a less-than-ideal process, requiring board preheat to facilitate underfill flow, dwell times to wait for underfill flow, while yielding encapsulation outcomes that cannot be 100 % verified by AOI. Edgebonding, on the other hand, is quick and completely verifiable. The use of an edgebond adhesive, both in a corner-only configuration and in a full-edgebond configuration, enhance BLR. The reworkable edgebond adhesive also enhances the mechanical shock or drop test reliability of assemblies.

Apex, Booth 1350


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