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Promoting high reliability die attach solutions at PCIM

High thermal and electrical conductivity silver bonds
Promoting high reliability die attach solutions at PCIM

The Assembly division of MacDermid Alpha Electronics Solutions, a producer of electronics soldering and bonding materials, will showcase its range of high reliability die attach solutions, including Alpha Argomax Silver Sinter Technology, at the PCIM exhibition in Nuremberg, Germany.

During the show, Gyan Dutt, Global Portfolio Manager, Die Attach Assembly, will be presenting on the “Thermal resistance of interconnect layers in inverter power assembly stacks” at the PCIM Conference. “The increasing adoption of wide band gap semiconductors, along with the increasing current density within the power modules in traction inverters, has led to the thermal impedance of the stack becoming more important”, comments Gyan. „The paper presentation will look at the role of interconnects in power assembly stacks and how this effects the overall thermal resistance.”

The Argomax Silver Sinter Technology, which has been specially developed for die attach, package attach and substrate-heat spreader attach in traction inverters and other high voltage applications, provides a dramatic reduction in thermal resistance and inductance.

“The Alpha Argomax technology creates extremely high thermal and electrical conductivity silver bonds“, explains Julien Joguet, Global Business Market Manager. “The high thermal conductivity delivered by the Argomax enables individual die to handle much higher levels of current, reducing the total number of die required, and providing the highest levels of efficiency. It also provides an unprecedented increase in die attach reliability, more than 30x higher than traditional solder methods.”

The Argomax is available in paste, film and preform material types and solutions from Ag, Au and Cu surface finishes for unparalleled flexibility.

PCIM, Booth 7–518


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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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