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Ventec Giga Solutions & Hi-Print launch inkjet printer for solder mask technology

3-colour inkjet printing
Ventec Giga Solutions & Hi-Print launch inkjet printer for solder mask technology

Ventec Giga Solutions & Hi-Print launch inkjet printer for solder mask technology
Ventec Giga Solutions and Hi-Print have launched a 3-colour inkjet printing solution Source: Hi-Print

Ventec Giga Solutions, Ventec’s value-added PCB equipment division, and inkjet printer manufacturer Hi-Print have teamed up to launch a new inkjet printer for solder mask technology. Featuring a completely flexible three-color ink supply system with up to ten printheads, the Hi-Print SD11 Inkjet printer is a flexible, scalable, modular and reconfigurable system designed for future-proof PCB manufacturing.

Users of the new printer will benefit from its flexible configuration capability for 3 Solder Mask colours, or 2 colours, plus legend or any other combination. Designed for breakthrough quality, speed, flexibility and scalability, the printer‘s direct high-quality digital print performance ensures edge definition, print consistency and no bleeding, says the company.

By replacing screen-, exposure- and development processes, the company says the automated inkjet printing solution contributes to enhanced quality assurance and increased productivity for PCB manufacturers.

“Developed out of a partnership between Ventec Giga Solutions and Hi-Print, this innovative solution is designed with key productivity enhancing innovations at its core, giving users efficiency gains from highest throughput and lowest cost-of-ownership,” said Ramesh Dhokia, Business Unit Director of Ventec Giga Solutions.

“Our new SD11 Inkjet Printer keeps pace with the rapidly evolving needs of the market and delivers highest flexibility, quality and precision along with the fast cycle times demanded by the next generation of PCB manufacturing technology,” commented Steven Shi, Chief Engineer of products at Hi-Print.

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