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Telescopic table enhances working distance for inspection

3-stage telescopic post with step-less height adjustment
Telescopic table enhances working distance for inspection

Telescopic table enhances working distance for inspection
The HD-050 telescopic height adjustment table expands the flexibility of working distance achievable with high-performance video microscope inspection systems. Source: Inspectis AB

Inspectis AB announces the availability of its HD-050 telescopic height adjustment table, a solution that expands the flexibility of working distance achievable with the C-12 and U10 (with its supreme 4K resolution) high-performance video microscope inspection systems. The HD-050 also enhances the value and capability of the company’s full range of lenses that complement these systems.

In making the announcement, Alistair Gooch, Marketing Manager, stated, “Often, having a camera at a fixed position has the advantages of simplicity or stability. However, with a camera at a fixed height, should magnification be required beyond the capability of the internal optical set up, external macro lenses may be needed. Unfortunately, the working distance is reduced proportionally to the power of the optic used. Thus, it becomes necessary to narrow the distance between the object under inspection and the lens to achieve the optimal working distance.”

The table features a 3-stage telescopic post that provides convenient height steps and allows step-less height adjustment between 52 to 155 mm. The object table has the same dimensions and format as the HD-029 Tilt table and uses the same proven high quality anti-static coated material as other accessories, including the tilt table and X-Y board. The table also provides 103 mm vertical displacement of your inspection objects along optical axis of the digital microscope when +1, +3 and +5 diopter macro lenses are used.

Apex, Booth 3516


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