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STMicroelectronics joins RISC-V company, Quintauris

Driving RISC-V ecosystem forward
STMicroelectronics joins RISC-V company, Quintauris

STMicroelectronics joins RISC-V company, Quintauris
Source: Quintauris

The semiconductor manufacturer is the latest organisation to join other industry players exploring the potential of RISC-V architecture. STMicroelectronics, global semiconductor manufacturer, has joined Quintauris as its sixth shareholder.


Quintauris was founded in December 2023 by semiconductor industry players Robert Bosch GmbH, Infineon Technologies AG, Nordic Semiconductor ASA, NXP Semiconductors, and Qualcomm Technologies and is headquartered in Munich, Germany. Its aim is to advance the adoption of products based on RISC-V principles. This will include access to reference architectures, and assistance in the creation of versatile, cross-industry solutions. The initial core industry applications will be for the automotive sector, with a planned expansion to mobile and IoT.


RISC-V is an open-standard Instruction Set Architecture (ISA), originally developed by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, in 2010.

“ST is a welcome addition to our list of shareholders,” said Alexander Kocher, CEO, Quintauris. “By fostering collaboration between the world’s largest semiconductor companies, we aim to explore and unlock the potential of RISC-V for all the industries we will serve.”

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