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Stannol launches water-based cleaning line

Soldering process cleaning solutions
Stannol launches water-based cleaning line

Stannol launches water-based cleaning line
The water-based cleaning line was designed to meet the rigorous demands of modern manufacturing while prioritizing environmental compatibility Source: Stannol

Stannol, a leader in soldering technology, has introduced its new water-based cleaning line, designed to meet the rigorous demands of modern manufacturing while prioritizing environmental compatibility. The company will debut the line at SMTA Guadalajara. The new Flux-Ex series includes broadband and specialty cleaners that are tailored to their respective areas of application – for example for cleaning before the soldering process or for removing residues after soldering. All cleaners are delivered as a ready-to-use-mix.

Solder wire

The Kristall 600-Series and Flowtin and Fairtin solder wires represent significant advancements in soldering technology. The Flowtin series leverages innovative micro-additives to extend solder tip life by up to 30%, enhancing the quality and durability of solder joints. The Kristall 600-Series, including the Fairtin product line, combines synthetic resins and modern activators to ensure fast, safe wetting with minimal, transparent residues.

Solder paste

The SP6000 solder paste, developed for use with TSC305 (Sn96.5Ag3Cu0.5) T4 and TSC105 (Sn98.5Ag1Cu0.5) T4 alloys, is a testament to Stannol’s commitment to technical excellence and environmental responsibility. This innovative paste boasts an impressive reduction of CO2 emissions by over 85% compared to traditional solder pastes, achieved through the use of recycled solder, sustainable packaging materials, and climate-neutral transport. The SP6000 not only delivers superior performance but also aligns with Stannol’s sustainability goals.

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