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Spray valve system applies oils, grease, & lubricants

Spray valve system applies oils, grease, & lubricants

Spray valve system applies oils, grease, & lubricants
Nordson EFD, a Nordson company, the world’s leading precision fluid dispensing systems manufacturer, is working with manufacturers around the world to help them improve their lubrication process and control fluid costs with its 781S Spray Valve. This valve enables precise and consistent application of medium-viscosity oils, grease, reagents, marking inks, and adhesive activators .for many manufacturing processes in the electronics, automotive, cosmetics, food, and medical industries. The valve uses low-volume low-pressure (LVLP) technology to accurately apply a fine, uniform coating of material without waste, mess, or overspray. Benefits include cleaner production areas and reduced rework, contamination, and overall fluid use. This technology has been used in many applications including applying adhesives onto automotive trim, marking inks onto circuit boards, spraying reagents onto medical test strips and grease onto door handle springs.

„Speed and throughput are critical factors in production and the 781S valve dispenses consistent fluid deposits, exactly where needed,“ said Claude Bergeron, global product line manager, Nordson EFD. „The combination of adjustable fluid flow, adjustable nozzle air, and post-air cutoff provides excellent spray control.“
„When there are a large number of parts produced, even small cost reductions in labor or materials per part can represent significant savings,“ continued Bergeron. „Just eliminating over-deposits can reduce material waste by 50 percent or more. Nordson EFD’s 781S spray valve system has helped manufacturers in numerous industries all over the world to improve their manufacturing process.“
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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 5

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