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Solder paste for AI substrate power management modules

Advanced electronics manufacturing soldering solution
Solder paste for AI substrate power management modules

Solder paste for AI substrate power management modules
The company says PF719-P250A offers superior voiding performance, reducing voids during the soldering process, and delivers excellent resistance to multiple reflows while maintaining optimal solderability and printability Source: Shenmao America

Shenmao America has launched the solder paste PF719-P250A specifically designed for power management modules in AI substrates. This no-clean, halogen-free solder paste offers exceptional anti-thermal fatigue reliability, making it an ideal solution for demanding AI applications.

The company says PF719-P250A solder paste utilizes a newly developed, high-reliability lead-free alloy that provides excellent anti-thermal fatigue performance. It is halogen-free (ROL0) with no halogen intentionally added, ensuring compliance with RoHS, RoHS 2.0 and REACH regulations. Additionally, PF719-P250A offers superior voiding performance, reducing voids during the soldering process, and delivers excellent resistance to multiple reflows while maintaining optimal solderability and printability.

The new paste has already been certified by major power management module manufacturers and has entered the mainstream AI substrate supply chain, solidifying its status as a reliable and high-performance solder paste for advanced electronics manufacturing.

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