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Semiconductor equipment billings up 4% worldwide, down in Europe – SEMI

Q2 2024: SEMI Worldwide Semiconductor Equipment Market Statistics Report
Semiconductor equipment billings up 4% worldwide, down in Europe – SEMI

Global semiconductor equipment billings increased 4% year-over-year to USD 26.8 billion (EUR 24.29 billion) in the second quarter of 2024, while quarter-over-quarter billings edged up 1% during the same period, SEMI announced today in its Worldwide Semiconductor Equipment Market Statistics (WWSEMS) Report.

“Global semiconductor equipment billings totaled USD53.2 billion for the first half of 2024, reflecting a healthy year so far for the industry overall,” said Ajit Manocha, SEMI President and CEO. “The semiconductor equipment market has returned to growth driven by strategic investments to support continued strong demand for advanced technologies and regions seeking to bolster their chipmaking ecosystems.”

Despite this, billings were down 42% YoY in Europe, 19% YoY in North America, 20% in Korea and 31% in Taiwan. Growth was driven by China and the rest of the world.


Compiled from data submitted by members of SEMI and the Semiconductor Equipment Association of Japan (SEAJ), the WWSEMS Report is a summary of the monthly billings figures for the global semiconductor equipment industry.

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