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SEMI joins forces with IESA in India to strengthen semiconductor ecosystem

SEMICON India 2024
SEMI joins forces with IESA in India to strengthen semiconductor ecosystem

SEMI joins forces with IESA in India to strengthen semiconductor ecosystem
Source: SEMI/IESA “India holds immense potential in the semiconductor space, and many global companies are already exploring the opportunities within the country‘s semiconductor industry,“ said Ajit Manocha, President and CEO, SEMI. “This partnership will help SEMI grow a strong presence in this critical emerging market and enable both organizations to identify tangible strategies that leverage our combined strengths to enhance supply chain resilience.“

In a strategic move to further solidify India‘s position in the global semiconductor value chain, SEMI, the global industry association that connects the semiconductor and electronics design and manufacturing value chain, has announced a strategic agreement with the India Electronics and Semiconductor Association (IESA), the leading industry body representing the electronics and semiconductor sectors in India. IESA will become part of the global SEMI family and represent SEMI in India. IESA will continue to use its current brand while beginning to implement SEMI’s processes and select initiatives.


The announcement came just before SEMICON India 2024, the flagship event aimed at bringing together global leaders, semiconductor industry experts, and key stakeholders, held 11-13 September in Greater Noida.

Semiconductor powerhouse

This unification is set to bolster India’s ambition to become a “Semiconductor Powerhouse” by advancing its design and manufacturing ecosystem. Together, the associations will enhance domestic manufacturing in line with India’s „Make in India“ initiative, support workforce development, improve global competitiveness, and foster greater technological self-reliance. Additionally, SEMI members will now have direct access to India‘s growing semiconductor market, tapping into new growth opportunities.

“India holds immense potential in the semiconductor space, and many global companies are already exploring the opportunities within the country‘s semiconductor industry,“ said Ajit Manocha, President and CEO, SEMI. “This partnership will help SEMI grow a strong presence in this critical emerging market and enable both organizations to identify tangible strategies that leverage our combined strengths to enhance supply chain resilience.“

“This milestone is a major win for India, SEMI, and IESA. It positions India to become a global semiconductor powerhouse, accelerates economic growth, and fosters innovation,” said Dr. Veerappan, Chairperson. Ashok Chandak, President, IESA, emphasized the strategic significance of the partnership: “by combining our capabilities with SEMI’s global standards, network, and resources, we are fortifying India’s ambitions and attracting global partnerships and investments to scale up design, manufacturing, and production capacities.”

This agreement will also pave the way for joint policy advocacy efforts, with IESA and SEMI working closely with both Central and State governments to drive incentives for product development and manufacturing, leveraging key programs such as the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) and Design Linked Incentive (DLI) models.

About SEMI

SEMI is the global industry association connecting over 3,000 member companies and 1.5 million professionals worldwide across the semiconductor and electronics design and manufacturing supply chain. We accelerate member collaboration on solutions to top industry challenges through Advocacy, Workforce Development, Sustainability, Supply Chain Management and other programs. Our SEMICON® expositions and events, technology communities, standards and market intelligence help advance our members’ business growth and innovations in design, devices, equipment, materials, services and software, enabling smarter, faster, more secure electronics. Visit www.semi.org, contact a regional office, and connect with SEMI on LinkedIn and X to learn more.

About IESA

IESA is India‘s premier industry body for ESDM & Intelligent Electronics. Our main objective is to establish India as a leading global hub for electronics manufacturing and design. We work with government ministries, industry players, and academic institutions to facilitate the comprehensive implementation of the Program for Development of Semiconductor and Display Ecosystem. Our team of renowned experts in semiconductor and display technologies is committed to promoting technology solutions that positively impact the lives of 1.3 billion Indians.

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