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Selective soldering systems equipped with a high-precision fluxer

Selective soldering systems equipped with a high-precision fluxer

Selective soldering systems equipped with a high-precision fluxer
Ersa supplies their Versaflow series with a compact selective soldering system. The Ecoselect 2 is ideally suited for operation in modular production lines, and it is the optimal solution for small and medium scale production where flexibility is paramount. Like all Ersa selective soldering systems, the Ecoselect 2 is equipped with a programmable high-precision fluxer for single dot or line flux application. An integrated spray control monitors the flux jet’s position. Due to the extremely accurate flux application, flux consumption is kept to an absolute minimum, and because of the virtual absence of overspray, very clean assemblies are en- sured. Short-wave, bottom-side IR emitters allow for short preheating processes. The heating cassette segments can be activated subject to the product. By means of the optional top-side convection preheater, a homogenous warm-up of even complex assemblies is achieved. Heart and soul of the Ecoselect 2 is the soldering process itself. The Peel off effect, which has been developed by Ersa, allows for 0° soldering without bridge formation and guarantees lowest DPM rates. The solder pot requires very little maintenance, and it is free of parts that need to be considered consumables. Innovative monitoring systems ensure reproducibility of the production parameters and thus top-quality solder joints. Excenter solder pots allow for the processing of two solder alloys. The intelligent and clearly structured software allows for easy and effective machine programming, and it records all relevant pro- duction parameters. One high-light is the graphical programming via the optional CAD Assistant 2 software. Alternatively, the machine can be programmed via DXF files or scanned PCBs. Un-authorized machine operation is prevented by the user administration feature.

Booth 9-330
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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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