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Sasinno to showcase selective soldering solutions

On show at Productronica 2023
Sasinno to showcase selective soldering solutions

Sasinno to showcase selective soldering solutions
The MAS-i2 Selective Soldering Machine features a three-section conveyor system, efficiently handling fluxing, preheating and soldering stages

Sasinno USA will exhibit its cutting-edge MAS-i2 Selective Soldering Machine with Electro Magnetic Pump and Unit-i1 selective soldering system at this year’s Productronica event, highlighting its commitment to revolutionizing electronics manufacturing.

The MAS-i2 Selective Soldering Machine features a three-section conveyor system, efficiently handling fluxing, preheating and soldering stages. By optimizing the workflow, the MAS-i2 reduces downtime and enhances production efficiency, with one board in soldering, another in preheating, and a third in fluxing. The system can accommodate two fluxer valves, offering flexibility to choose identical or different valves. For instance, the use of two drop jet valves can effectively double production, or a combination of a drop jet valve and a micro-spray valve enables simultaneous application of two distinct fluxes.

The soldering capabilities of the MAS-i2 feature two individual solder pots in separate Z-axis assemblies. This enables soldering on PCBs up to W508 x L508mm (20“ x 20“) for two nozzles individually or W235 x L508mm (9.25“ x 20“) for two parallel nozzles. The system‘s unique flexibility extends to solder pump options, allowing users to employ one solder pump, two pumps simultaneously for accelerated speed, or a combination of different nozzle sizes and solder types without the hassle of changing components.

The Unit-i1 is the latest generation compact inline selective soldering machine. This multifunctional solution integrates a drop jet fluxer nozzle, bottom IR preheating, selective solder pot, and AOI function within a space-saving 55“ footprint. The Unit-i1 serves as a comprehensive station for fluxing, preheating, soldering, and inspection. Its versatility shines whether used as a standalone unit or as part of a modular system. For high-volume production, boards can be loaded consecutively, and for varied production needs, each machine can work independently.


Booth A2.275

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